River Woods Students Art Work Represented at District Art Show
Seventeen art students are representing River Woods in the Des Moines District Art Exhibit from Feb. 18- Mar. 1. Art work from each Des Moines school was on display at the Capital Square Mall. Our Art Club had a banner and two mosaic tile benches on display, while nine other students had individual artwork displayed.
Congratulations to the following:
Samuel Vasquez-Gomez-2nd
Blake Barr-4th
Reese Copeland-4th
Angelina McDaniel-4th
Jayden Khambanoun-4th
Lia Dixon-4th
Rogelio Alvarado-Diaz-5th
Olivia Feuling-5th
Matthew Mila-5th
Mealah Smith-5th
Dahranie Samountry-5th
Valleria Balcarcel-5th
Brisa Martinez-5th
Abdinor Hussein-5th
Amanda Escobar-5th
Kelaia Gonzalez-Garcia-5th
James Copeland-5th